Seeing God's Hand in the Chaos

From one of our team members, a former Muslim and now a disciple-maker for Jesus. She is temporarily repatriated and living with her Muslim parents while she continues reaching the unreached.

“I just realized how different my thinking is with people here in my village. I can’t relate in any of their conversations. A lot of people here still believe their local religion, and I see people here selling things like charms. They think it will protect them from disease and disaster if they put it in their house.

But I see people are seeking for God and are more open. Praying that people can see that God is not found in churches, mosques, ka’bah, the Vatican nor in celebrations like Easter, Eid al-Fitr, Christmas, or anything. But in our time with Him, in our loneliness, in our silence.”
--An iGO Team Member in Southeast Asia

The world continues to fight this pandemic while dealing simultaneously with many other crises. But as followers of Christ, we have the opportunity to see the hand of God at work. He is the one in control. In the midst of chaos we can see the silent, mysterious hand of God building His kingdom, renewing this sin-cursed world, restoring broken lives, resurrecting the spiritually dead, and healing the brokenness.
Wherever we are, no matter the chaos, let us bring with us the beautiful life-changing message of the Gospel.

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