A Psalm for Myanmar
July 7th, 2021
I don’t know about you, but daily I am assailed by the reality of the torrent of everything happening in the world today-especially the horrendous actions of the military junta in Myanmar resulting in...  Read More
by J B
Myanmar Humanitarian Crisis: July 5 - Status Update
July 5th, 2021
Please continue lifting up the people of Myanmar. The following are messages received from the ground.“Four Chin pastors passed away this morning due Covid. Sad.”“No vaccinne for civilians. Oxegene is...  Read More
by J B
Myanmar Humanitarian Crisis: June 25 - Status Update
June 25th, 2021
“A young man was shot dead last night in Kale myo, without reason.”“Kachin pastor was arrested and he body was found tied at the tree and bullet at his head.”“Yesterday a Chin evangelist was arrested ...  Read More
by J B
Myanmar Humanitarian Crisis: Help on the Way
June 25th, 2021
The three missionaries who are with us now for Bible translator training came from Kanpalet town, Southern Chin State. Three of them escaped from the terrorists who surrounded them. One of them was am...  Read More
by J B
Myanmar Humanitarian Crisis: June 16 - Status Update
June 16th, 2021
Dear praying friends,       Every time I give an update it is always heart breaking. We need your unceasing prayer and help. At this moment people like us who are living in the capital cities are safe...  Read More
by J B
Myanmar Humanitarian Crisis: May 31 - Status Update
May 31st, 2021
“Just now a Pastor called me from the forest (Mindat district) and told me that they left the town and went to a small village due to a severe shooting. At that small village, about 350 people are gat...  Read More
by J B
Myanmar Humanitarian Crisis-Orphan Relocation Update - May 24
May 24th, 2021
Praising the Lord that the children are being ministered to and encouraged in the Lord and although the war rages on outside and all around them, the Lord has protected them. The building progress has...  Read More
by J B
Myanmar Humanitarian Crisis: May 24 - Update
May 24th, 2021
Just in from The Brothers in Myanmar:The situation of Myanmar is getting worse than before. Yesterday (Sunday), the soldiers entered the Karen Baptist Church building, Insein, Yangon, and destroyed fu...  Read More
by J B
Journalism under Attack in Myanmar
May 20th, 2021
Since the beginning of the junta takeover in February, journalism has been under attack. Here is an article where you can learn more about what has been happening to the journalists who are on the fro...  Read More
by J B
Myanmar Humanitarian Crisis: May 20 - Status Update
May 20th, 2021
Just in from the brothers in Myanmar:TODAY’S SITUATIONJust 10 minutes ago, one of our missionaries who is also one of the Uppu Chin Bible translators by the name of D* called me and told me that Palet...  Read More
by J B
Myanmar Humanitarian Crisis: May 15 - Status Update
May 17th, 2021
Photo: Associate Press The latest news from the brothers in Myanmar:6:40 am yesterday and today, there is a real fight in M***** town and K******* town southern C*** State. The military junta use jet ...  Read More
by J B
Myanmar Humanitarian Crisis - Relocation Update - May 9
May 15th, 2021
The progress is great! Today's building position. There will be two separate buildings: one for a boys' dorm and one for a girls' dorm. In between, there will be a dinning hall and kitchen. There is a...  Read More
by J B